Thursday, April 23, 2009

A short post today then.

Dumb , no mass run need to sit at the parade square for prize giving.Along with the hot sun.Had PE, can't do my 2.4km due to my ankle, but helped out with the timing. Kinda boring. Went back to class for SS lessons, with Mr.Koh. Hmmm, I don't feel like myself with him behind me.Haha. Best thing of school today is NO POA ! Haha.Very nice (: but came a shitty teacher full of craps.
After school, got Bing Feng and Ernest to accompany me to the doctor at Blk123, had my second treatment.Got my medicine again. Total cost=$37
Got naggings from my parents because it's too expensive ? Ask me go, then complain expensive.
Shall skip the third treatment. Heck care man.
Went home and that's all.
Bye then.

Truth, i'm envy.Of many things which I don't think I can get.It kills just thinking about it.
No one bothers anyway.No one will ask too.Ha.


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